Anything you work on changes you. If you work too long on tedious stuff, it will rot your brain.


After a STEM-heavy high school career, I flounced off to art school. First I took a detour through No More School At All Thank You Very Much, a wonderful year of local bands and wild parties and general late-night drug-infused decadence that left me with an abiding love of punk rock, twelve decorative earholes, and a nostalgic affection for neon shades of hair. My love of mathematics and science won out in the academic end, but my brief foray into drawing gave rise to the below.

after Da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man"
pencil on paper
Grayson Bray Morris 1986

See Da Vinci's original here.
after Fuseli's portrait of John Cartwright
pencil on paper
Grayson Bray Morris 1986

See Fuseli's original here.
cats, cats, cats
pen, crayon and pencil on paper
Grayson Bray Morris 1986–90

My cat was a steadily available subject for assignments and, later, just for fun.
after forgotten original (likely a Nat Geo photo)
ink on paper
Grayson Bray Morris 1986
after one of Da Vinci's many old men
pencil (and coffee) on paper
Grayson Bray Morris 1986
after Ingres' "Comtesse d’Haussonville"
pen and ink on paper
Grayson Bray Morris 1986

See Ingres' original here.
pen on paper
Grayson Bray Morris 1987
sleeping boyfriend 1
pencil on paper
Grayson Bray Morris 1988
sleeping boyfriend 2
pencil on paper
Grayson Bray Morris 1996

This one became my husband in 1999.